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Current Hwy 10 Road Closure Updates
At last June's Cass County Highway Department meeting held in Tower City, they stated that once they start on the Maple River bridge, Cass County 10 will be closed for at least 4 months, with limited or local traffic before and after the bridge reconstruction. They will also be widening the roadway as well as resurfacing. They also plan on raising the roadway through the river and installing new box type culverts for the bridge. They plan on paving through the city limits of Tower City and on both sides of the new bridge, leaving the rest of the road with fortified gravel treated for dust control for the off-season. Then, in 2026, they plan on redoing the mile through Buffalo from ND State 38 to the Cemetery. Their plan is that when the Buffalo stretch is ready for blacktopping at the end of the 2026 project, they will continue resurfacing with black top west back to Tower City. This may change slightly, but it is what was laid out by the Highway Department during their informational meeting.
Lead Service Line Inventory Update
To continue the work of developing an inventory of the water service line materials on the system, the next phase of the process will involve onsite verifications. Moore Engineering is working to document these service line materials and you will see them throughout the City over the course of the next couple of weeks starting on Monday, January 28th. A portion of their job includes a visual inspection of the service line as it enters the building. The Moore Engineering employees will be in Moore Engineering vests and be working in teams of two.
Zoning Ordiance Amendment
Boo Baskets Return in October!
City of Buffalo-Yard of the Week
Congratulations to 2024 the winners of the Yard of the Week sponsored by Park Board! Fantastic job of helping to beautify our city!